Our Medical Congresses:
Best Practice in Breast Biopsy:
The 'best practice' is the set of activities, procedures, behaviours, habits, which, organised in a systematic way, can be taken as a reference and reproduced in order to favour the achievement of the best results in the health field and in this specific case in the field of diagnosis.President: D.sa Francesca Caumo
Date: 24 Maggio 2024
City: Padova
Location Aula Magna Palazzina Immunologia IOV, I.R.C.C.S. Ospedale Busonera
Prevention, diagnosis, clinical management and rehabilitation of the low back pain patient
The course is free of charge, participation must be confirmed by 05/04/2024
The course aims to take stock of recent clinical scientific evidence on the subject of low back pain, from a very practical point of view aimed at the general practitioner, both for the information and prevention part, which is largely his responsibility, and for the treatment part, which requires multidisciplinary skills and the ability to interface with different professional figuresPresident: Gustavo Zanoli
Date: 12 aprile 2024
City: San Giovanni in Persiceto BO
Location: Sala meeting Sorsimorsi,
XI Corso di Aggiornamento
The Course, dedicated to Surgeons and Nurses, actively involves Lecturers, Moderators and Discussants who while presenting the new therapeutic strategies and special aspects, nevertheless do not neglect an appropriate and fundamental didactic-scientific background of the topics presented.Presidente: Prof. G.Zoli
Date: November 08/09 2023
City: Cento FE
Location: Salone di rappresentanza Credem
XV Corso Nazionale di Analisi del Movimento in ambito Clinico
Instrumental movement analysis is proving to be an indispensable tool for understanding functional changes in the musculoskeletal system, supporting clinical decision-making and planning of therapeutic/rehabilitation intervention, and evaluating and documenting outcomes.President: Prof.sa Maria Grazia Benedetti e Prof.sa Rita Stagni
18/21 October 2023 City: Bologna
Location: Isituto Ortopedico Rizzoli Vasari room
Corso di aggiornamento in Ortopedia e Traumatologia pediatrica .
First Edition 2023
The course consists of 7 afternoons and aims to Transmit and disseminate the culture for the framing and management of the pediatric patient with diseases, disorders, and abnormalities of formation and development of the musculoskeletal system. The course is aimed at physicians, nurses, physical therapists, and orthopedic technicians who want to undertake care and treatment of the pediatric patient with musculoskeletal pathology.A cura di : Struttura Complessa di Ortopedia E Traumatologia Pediatrica Direttore: Dott. Gino Rocca
Data: 3 e 27 april 2023 – 11 e 25 May 2023 – 15 e 22 Jun 2023 – 6 July 2023 Città: Bologna
Luogo: Rizzoli Hospital
Contrast, or not Contrast : that is the question
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The aim of the conference is to report current scientific evidence and define current clinical uses and future, of some methods used in breast imaging: tomosynthesis, mammography with contrast and MRIPresidente: D.sa Daniela Bernardi
Data: May 12th 2023
Città: Rozzano -Milano
Luogo: Centro Congressi istituto Humanitas di Rozzano
iPFRR 2023
We are delighted to welcome you to the 7th International Patellofemoral Research Retreat. The aims of the Retreat are to share the latest patellofemoral pain research developments, discuss the literature to formulate consensus statements to disseminate knowledge, and develop a future research agenda for patellofemoral pain. Following the Retreat, we invite all colleagues with an interest in patellofemoral pain to attend the Clinical Symposium
Organizing committee: C. Belvedere, L. Berti, A. Leardini
Date: 6-9th June 2023
City: Bologna, Italy
Location: IRCCS Istituto Ortopedico Rizzoli
SPINE 360° XII edition of “Nursing Round”
Innovation in Vertebral Surgery
The course, in its 12th edition, is aimed at nurses, doctors, physiotherapists, radiology technicians, neuro pathophysiology technicians, who are dedicated to the assistance of the vertebral patient in the operating room, open to outsiders both for teaching and for the hearing. It includes theoretical and practical sessions. Spinal surgery across the board together with the team approach are the theme of this training event. An integral and fundamental part of the theoretical session of the "Nursing Round" course is the transmission of surgical interventions "live" from the operating room, connected audio video to the teaching room. This will allow you to participate in real time in the different phases of the surgery and to discuss it with the operators.Presidente: A.Gasbarrini
Date: may 06th 2022
City: Bologna
Location: Istituto Ortopedico Rizzoli Sala Vasari
Innovative treatments for musculoskeletal pathologies. From preoperative virtual planning to regenerative medicine.
TI-RAMS is a Network Project born from the collaboration between the main national Scientific Hospitalization and Care Institutes - (IRCCS ) in the field of treatment of musculoskeletal disorders
president of the conference: Dott. Giovanni Trisolino
Data: November 26th 2022
City: Bologna
Location: Sala Marchetti – Istituto Ortopedico Rizzoli via di Barbiano 1/10 Bologna
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