Detection and Diagnosis of Breast Diseases Using the Multimodality Approach (INTERACTIVE LECTURE)

L'evento è stato posticipato al 2021

This course provides extensive knowledge about diagnostic breast imaging, differential diagnosis of breast diseases, implications for management and newest diagnostic technologies

You are cordially invited to a special, interactive hands-on workshop to explore the benefits of Automated Breast Ultrasound as supplemental breast cancer screening technology. 


Presidente: László Tabár


The lectures on each major subject will be followed by interactive screening sessions consisting of a mixture of normal and early cancer cases presented on the large screen exactly as they appear on a viewing station at screening. Using a specially provided polling program downloaded to each participant's smartphone or tablet, theattendees will be asked to vote anonymously on each case.

Il corso è in lingua Inglese con traduzione simultanea in italiano  

Data: 17-20 Novembre 2020
Città: Torino
Luogo: Torino
Accreditamento ECM:

Il corso verrà accreditato per:

Medico Chirurgo specializzato in: oncologia, radioterapia, chirurgia generale, chirurgia plastica e ricostruttiva, ginecologia e ostetricia, anatomia patologica, medicina nucleare, patologia clinica, radiodiagnostica, medicina generale ed epidemiologia; TSRM

Scadenza iscrizione: 16/11/2020

Medico Chirurgo: € 995 + 10.00 spese

Specializzando e TSRM: € 895 + 10.00 spese


Programma dell'evento IN INGLESE:





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