CardioBaggiovara III° edition Heart failure: one clinical syndrome, multiple etiological scenarios

In developed countries, the age-adjusted incidence of Heart Failure would appear to be decreasing, likely as a result of improved management of Cardiovascular disease, but in contrast, the overall incidence is increasing due to an aging population. Management of CV risk and treatment of multiple CV diseases (particularly systemic hypertension, myocardial infarction-IM-, atrial fibrillation-FA-, asymptomatic left ventricular systolic dysfunction-VS-, and valvulopathies) help to reduce the risk of developing SC, as described in the extensive available literature. The etiologic identification of the underlying cardiac dysfunction is critical to the diagnosis of SC as the specific pathology may influence the choice of treatment. The event aims to share and explore the multiple scenarios of this complex clinical syndrome.

Presidente: Stefano Tondi
Data: 11 ottobre 2024
Città: Modena

CME event nr 5798-412393 credits awarded : 8

The course has been accredited for: Medical Surgeon specialized in: Cardiology, Angiology, Acceptance and Emergency Medicine and Surgery, Cardiac Surgery, Anesthesia and Resuscitation, Metabolic Diseases and Diabetology, Geriatrics, Internal Medicine, General Medicine (Family Physicians). Nurses; Cardiovascular Pathophysiology and Cardiovascular Perfusion Technician; Medical Radiology Health Technician

Registration Fee:

The Course is free of charge but it is mandatory to complete the registration form

On 03/27/2024 the event was approved by the Compliance Office of Confindustria D.M. on the SVC Portal Conference Evaluation System, event code 2024-0305112707

Event program:


Modulo di Iscrizione Scompenso Cardiaco 24

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