
iPFRR 2023

We are delighted to welcome you to the 7th International Patellofemoral Research Retreat. The aims of the Retreat are to share the latest patellofemoral pain research developments, discuss the literature to formulate consensus statements to disseminate knowledge, and develop a future research agenda for patellofemoral pain. Following the Retreat, we invite all colleagues with an interest in patellofemoral pain to attend the Clinical Symposium

Organizing committee:
C. Belvedere, L. Berti, A. Leardini
6-9th June 2023
Bologna, Italy
IRCCS Istituto Ortopedico Rizzoli

SPINE 360° XII edition of “Nursing Round”

Innovation in Vertebral Surgery

The course, in its 12th edition, is aimed at nurses, doctors, physiotherapists, radiology technicians, neuro pathophysiology technicians, who are dedicated to the assistance of the vertebral patient in the operating room, open to outsiders both for teaching and for the hearing.
It includes theoretical and practical sessions.
Spinal surgery across the board together with the team approach are the theme of this training event.
An integral and fundamental part of the theoretical session of the “Nursing Round” course is the transmission of surgical interventions “live” from the operating room, connected audio video to the teaching room. This will allow you to participate in real time in the different phases of the surgery and to discuss it with the operators.

may 06th 2022
Istituto Ortopedico Rizzoli Sala Vasari

Innovative treatments for musculoskeletal pathologies. From preoperative virtual planning to regenerative medicine.

TI-RAMS is a Network Project born from the collaboration between the main national Scientific Hospitalization and Care Institutes – (IRCCS ) in the field of treatment of musculoskeletal disorders
president of the conference: Dott. Giovanni Trisolino

November 26th 2022
Sala Marchetti – Istituto Ortopedico Rizzoli
via di Barbiano 1/10 Bologna