CONTRAST, OR NOT CONSTRAST : that is the question

The aim of the conference is to report current scientific evidence and define current clinical uses and future, of some methods used in breast imaging: tomosynthesis, mammography with contrast and MRI

The conference will be in Italian with English translation due to the participation of three  international  speakers  who will give their presentation in English; simultaneous translation is provided.

Presidente: Daniela Bernardi 
Data: 12 Maggio 2023
Città: Rozzano (MI)

EMC : event nr 5798-376127

The event was awarded 5.6 EMC ITALIAN credits for the professional figure of Health Physics, Surgeon specializing in Radiology, General Surgery, Pathology Anatomy, Oncology

Confindustria D.M.-SVC Conference Evaluation System: On 02/17/2023, the event was approved by the Confindustria D.M. Compliance Office on the SVC Conference Evaluation System portal, event code 2023- 0123122248

Quota di Iscrizione: 

  • Soci SIRM 150,00 €
  • Non Soci SIRM 300,00 €
  • Specializzandi 30,00 €

Programma dell'evento:

programma preliminare

Modulo di Iscrizione

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