Corso di aggiornamento in Ortopedia e Traumatologia pediatrica . First Edition 2023
The course consists of 7 afternoons and aims to Transmit and disseminate the culture for the framing and management of the pediatric patient with diseases, disorders, and abnormalities of formation and development of the musculoskeletal system. The course is aimed at physicians, nurses, physical therapists, and orthopedic technicians who want to undertake care and treatment of the pediatric patient with musculoskeletal pathology.
A cura di Struttura Complessa di Ortopedia e Traumatologia
Pediatrica (Direttore: Dott. Gino Rocca)
Segreteria Scientifica: Dott. Giovanni Trisolino
Date: 13 April/27 April/11 May/25 May/15 Giugno/22 June/06 July 2023
City: Bologna
CME event nr 5798-374902 obtained 30.2 credits and was accredited for:
Surgeon specializing in Orthopedics and Traumatology, Pediatrics, Pediatricians of free choice, Physical Medicine and
Rehabilitation; Anesthesia and Resuscitation ;Nurse Practitioner; Pediatric Nurse Practitioner;
Physiotherapist; Orthopedic Technician and Podiatrist.
Registration Fee: Surgeon and other professional figures €305.00 Intern € 183.00
Programma dell'evento:
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